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DOSBox 設定

DOSBox 設定

DOSBox 版本:0.74-3

系統版本: Windows 10

在 DOSBox 目錄中找到 DOSBox 0.74-3 Options 選項設定,點兩下會開啟記事本

# DOSBox 選項路徑
Y:\DOSBox-0.74-3\DOSBox 0.74-3 Options

DOSBox 設定


Y:\DOSBox-0.74-3\DOSBox 0.74-3 Options


設定 預設值 選項 說明
fullscreen false true, false 是否開啟全螢幕(ALT + Enter 可以切換全螢幕)
fulldouble false true, false Use double buffering in fullscreen. It can reduce screen flickering, but it can also result in a slow DOSBox.
fullresolution original original, 800x600, 1024x768 全螢幕解析度設定
windowresolution original original, 800x600, 1024x768 視窗化解析度設定
output surface surface, overlay, opengl, openglnb, ddraw. 影像輸出格式
autolock true true, false 是否想要在你點擊 Dosbox 時鎖住你的滑鼠 (CTRL-F10 解除鎖定)
sensitivity 100 1 ~ 1000 滑鼠靈敏度
waitonerror true true, false Wait before closing the console if dosbox has an error.
priority higher,normal lowest, lower, normal, higher, highest, pause. Priority levels for dosbox. Second entry behind the comma is for when dosbox is not focused/minimized.
mapperfile mapper-0.74-3.map File used to load/save the key/event mappings from. Resetmapper only works with the defaul value.
usescancodes true true, false Avoid usage of symkeys, might not work on all operating systems.


設定 預設值 選項 說明
language 語系
machine svga_s3 hercules, cga, tandy, pcjr, ega, vgaonly, svga_s3, svga_et3000, svga_et4000, svga_paradise, vesa_nolfb, vesa_oldvbe. DOSBox 模擬引擎
captures capture 截圖儲放資料夾位置設定
memsize 16 記憶體大小(MB)

[render] 渲染畫面

設定 預設值 選項 說明
frameskip 0 How many frames DOSBox skips before drawing one.
aspect false Do aspect correction, if your output method doesn’t support scaling this can slow things down!
scaler normal2x none, normal2x, normal3x, advmame2x, advmame3x, advinterp2x, advinterp3x, hq2x, hq3x, 2xsai, super2xsai, supereagle, tv2x, tv3x, rgb2x, rgb3x, scan2x, scan3x Scaler used to enlarge/enhance low resolution modes. If ‘forced’ is appended,


設定 預設值 選項 說明
core auto auto, dynamic, normal, simple. 模擬的 CPU 核心,若使用 auto 則會自動切換至 dynamic
cputype auto auto, 386, 386_slow, 486_slow, pentium_slow, 386_prefetch. CPU 類型
cycles auto auto, fixed #number(e.g. fixed 4000), max DOSBox 的 CPU 執行速度,可用 Ctrl+F11Ctrl+F12 增減此 CPU 的cycle 值
cycleup 10 百分比數字 0~100 CTRL-F11/CTRL-F12 CPU 增減值百分比
cycledown 20 百分比數字 0~100 CTRL-F11/CTRL-F12 CPU 增減值百分比

[mixer] 混音

設定 預設值 選項 說明
nosound false true, false 啟動靜音模式,聲音仍會模擬
rate 44100 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716. 聲音取樣率
blocksize 1024 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 512, 256. 混音區塊大小
prebuffer 25 多少毫秒 (milliseconds) 的資料會保留在區塊

[midi] 音樂

設定 預設值 選項 說明
mpu401 intelligent intelligent, uart, none. MPU-401 模擬類型
mididevice default default, win32, alsa, oss, coreaudio, coremidi, none. 接收 Midi 資料的裝置
midiconfig Special configuration options for the device driver. This is usually the id of the device you want to use

[sblaster] soundblaster

設定 預設值 選項 說明
sbtype sb16 sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16, gb, none. 音效模擬設定,如果你的遊戲沒有靜音設定,但你又想讓遊戲靜音,就把sb16改成none即可
sbbase 220 220, 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300. soundblaster 的 IO 地址
irq 7 7, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12. The IRQ number of the soundblaster.
dma 1 1, 5, 0, 3, 6, 7. The DMA number of the soundblaster.
hdma 5 1, 5, 0, 3, 6, 7. The High DMA number of the soundblaster.
sbmixer true true, false Allow the soundblaster mixer to modify the DOSBox mixer.
oplmode auto auto, cms, opl2, dualopl2, opl3, none. Type of OPL emulation. On ‘auto’ the mode is determined by sblaster type. All OPL modes are Adlib-compatible, except for ‘cms’.
oplemu default default, compat, fast. Provider for the OPL emulation. compat might provide better quality (see oplrate as well).
oplrate 44100 44100, 49716, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000. Sample rate of OPL music emulation. Use 49716 for highest quality (set the mixer rate accordingly).

[gus] Gravis Ultrasound emulation.

設定 預設值 選項 說明
gus false true, false Enable the Gravis Ultrasound emulation.
gusrate 44100 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716. Ultrasound 模擬取樣率
gusbase 240 240, 220, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300. The IO base address of the Gravis Ultrasound.
gusirq 5 5, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12. The IRQ number of the Gravis Ultrasound.
gusdma 3 3, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7. The DMA channel of the Gravis Ultrasound
ultradir C:\ULTRASND Path to Ultrasound directory.


設定 預設值 選項 說明
pcspeaker true true, false Enable PC-Speaker emulation.
pcrate 44100 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716. PC-Speaker 聲音生成取樣率
tandy auto auto, on, off. Enable Tandy Sound System emulation. For ‘auto’, emulation is present only if machine is set to ‘tandy’.
tandyrate 44100 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000, 49716. Sample rate of the Tandy 3-Voice generation.
disney true true, false Enable Disney Sound Source emulation.

[joystick] 搖桿

設定 預設值 選項 說明
joysticktype auto auto, 2axis, 4axis, 4axis_2, fcs, ch, none. Type of joystick to emulate
timed true true, false enable timed intervals for axis. Experiment with this option, if your joystick drifts (away).
autofire false true, false 只要按鈕按住就持續發射
swap34 false true, false swap the 3rd and the 4th axis. Can be useful for certain joysticks.
buttonwrap false true, false enable button wrapping at the number of emulated buttons.


  • 2axis (supports two joysticks),
  • 4axis (supports one joystick, first joystick used),
  • 4axis_2 (supports one joystick, second joystick used),
  • fcs (Thrustmaster), ch (CH Flightstick).
  • none disables joystick emulation.
  • auto chooses emulation depending on real joystick(s).


設定 預設值 選項 說明
serial1 dummy dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, directserial. 連接到 com port 的裝置類型
serial2 dummy dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, directserial. see serial1
serial3 disabled dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, directserial. see serial1
serial4 disabled dummy, disabled, modem, nullmodem, directserial. see serial1


設定 預設值 選項 說明
xms true true, false Enable XMS support.
ems true true, false Enable EMS support.
umb true true, false Enable UMB support.
keyboardlayout auto auto, none 鍵盤語系代碼


設定 預設值 選項 說明
ipx false true, false Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.


快捷鍵 說明
ALT-ENTER 全螢幕畫面切換
CTRL-F1 顯示使用者自己定義鍵盤的畫面。
CTRL-F4 更新虛擬磁碟的快取資訊,如果在DOSBox外部更動時有用。
CTRL-F5 擷取畫面的熱鍵,存在DOSBox 0.74設定檔的資料夾內。
CTRL-ALT-F5 錄影畫面的熱鍵,存在DOSBox 0.74設定檔的資料夾內,檔案格式為avi。
CTRL-F6 錄音的熱鍵,存在DOSBox 0.74設定檔的資料夾內,檔案格式為wave。
CTRL-ALT-F7 錄音的熱鍵,存在DOSBox 0.74設定檔的資料夾內,檔案格式為opl。
CTRL-ALT-F8 錄音的熱鍵,存在DOSBox 0.74設定檔的資料夾內,檔案格式為midi。
CTRL-F7 減少影像換頁。
CTRL-F8 增加影像換頁。
CTRL-F9 強制關閉DOSBox.
CTRL-F10 滑鼠使用切換。
CTRL-F11 減少執行速度。
CTRL-F12 增加執行速度。
ALT-F12 解除速度鎖定。


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