Featured image of post Mini Motorways Tips: Never Take Traffic Lights, Prefer Detours Over Intersections, Seal Off Randomly Appearing Buildings by Building Diagonal Roads, Be Cautious When Choosing Highway Locations! Don’t Dismantle Easily! Completely Seal Off Islands with Road Segments, Not All Small Houses Need to Be Connected to Roads, Avoid Intersection Speed Penalties

Mini Motorways Tips: Never Take Traffic Lights, Prefer Detours Over Intersections, Seal Off Randomly Appearing Buildings by Building Diagonal Roads, Be Cautious When Choosing Highway Locations! Don’t Dismantle Easily! Completely Seal Off Islands with Road Segments, Not All Small Houses Need to Be Connected to Roads, Avoid Intersection Speed Penalties

Mini Motorways Tips: Never Take Traffic Lights, Prefer Detours Over Intersections, Seal Off Randomly Appearing Buildings by Building Diagonal Roads, Be Cautious When Choosing Highway Locations! Don’t Dismantle Easily! Completely Seal Off Islands with Road Segments, Not All Small Houses Need to Be Connected to Roads, Avoid Intersection Speed Penalties