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Connect 4 (Four Up, Drop Four) Win Stragegy

Connect 4 (Four Up, Drop Four) Win Stragegy

Photo By Hasbro - www.hasbro.com, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52250308

“Connect 4” another name

  • Four Up
  • Drop Four

The “Connect 4” size is 7x6. Two players take turns placing pieces, and the first to connect four pieces in a straight line wins.

Playing the “Connect 4”, the outcome is determined by the first move. If the starting player places the first piece in the center column, and you consistently place your pieces on top of theirs, you will win 100%, no matter where the opponent places their pieces. Even if the opponent plays perfectly, the victory is secured within 41 moves. If the opponent makes a mistake, the outcome can be determined even earlier. (Of course, players need to understand the corresponding moves first.)

Alternatively, if playing against a computer and the computer goes first, anyone will always lose 100%.

Playing the “Connect 4” Online: https://connect4.gamesolver.org/


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